
Showing posts from May, 2021


WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY 31.05.2021 World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed around the world every year on 31 May. This yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization (WHO) is doing to fight against the use of tobacco, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations. The Member States of the WHO created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. The day is further intended to draw attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to negative health effects, which currently lead to more than 8 million deaths each year worldwide, including 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.The day has been met with both enthusiasm and resistance around the globe from governments, public health organ...


 ANTI TERRORISM DAY 21.05.2021 Anti-Terrorism Day is observed on May 21 in India every year. The objective behind the observance of this day is to wean away from the youth from terrorism and the cult of violence by highlighting the suffering of common people and showing how it is prejudicial to the national interest. It was on this day in the year 1991 that former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated. This year commemorates Rajiv Gandhi’s 30th death anniversary as India observes Anti-Terrorism Day. It is proposed by MHA that the 'Anti-Terrorism Pledge" may be taken solemnly by the Officials in their rooms/offices itself, keeping in view the safety of participants and organisers and to avoid public gatherings.


 संवाद   CONNECTING WITH THE STUDENTS DURING SUMMER VACATIONS 20.05.2021 फ़्लिप बुक 'नई पहल' नई पहल -लघु ई पत्रिका 21.05.2021 PICS संगीत की उत्पत्ति द्व्रारा-श्रीमती रेणु सक्सेना,प्राथमिक शिक्षिका(संगीत) 25.05.2021 आज दिनांक 25 /5 /2021 को समय 11:00 बजे कक्षा 6 ,7, और 8 के विद्यार्थियों और उनके अभिभावकों के साथ एक बैठक आयोजित की गयी । इस बैठक में प्राचार्या महोदया का संदेश सभी ने सुना उन्होंने अपने संदेश में कहा कि आप अपने आप को अकेला न  समझे , विद्यालय प्रशासन आपके साथ खड़ा है। आपके बच्चों से संबंधित  किसी भी समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए हम भरसक प्रयत्नशील है ।और आप अपने सुझाव और समस्या के लिए विद्यालय समय पर आकर हमसे मिल सकते है । इस मीटिंग में कक्षा 6,7,8 तीनों कक्षाओं के बच्चे सम्मिलित हुए। उनके अभिभावकों ने अपनी समस्या और सुझाव हमसे साझा किए । अभिभावकों को  केवल यही शिकायत थी  कि बच्चे मोबाइल देखने में अपना समय ज्यादा व्यतीत करते हैं तो  हमारे शिक्षक साथियों ने   मोबाइल के  उचित अनुचित प्रयोग के विषय में बच्चों से बात की  । साथ ...